प्रकाशनार्थ विज्ञप्ति
गोल्डन 1 सेंटर ग्रेटर सैक्रामेंटो में प्रमुख आर्थिक चालक के रूप में कार्य करता है, जो सालाना $ 665 मिलियन प्रदान करता है
New Study Shows Updated Impact of Golden 1 Center on Greater Sacramento’s Landscape, Visitor Rate, Commerce and Investment in the Region
SACRAMENTO, CA -Golden 1 Center, home to the NBA’s Sacramento Kings and a community hub for major events, concerts and shows, continues to stand as a powerhouse contributor to the economic vitality of the Greater Sacramento region metropolitan area, according to a new economic impact report by renowned research company Applied Economics. The Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) commissioned the study to assess economic and tax impacts generated by the arena’s operations and visitor spending – 10 years after construction started on the arena.
In fiscal year 2022-23, Golden 1 Center hosted over 127 ticketed events, including NBA games, concerts, shows and other sporting events, attracting more than 1.5 million attendees. The analysis showcases the economic ecosystem supported by the arena, revealing significant contributions, job creation and growth to the Greater Sacramento region.
Key findings from the report include:
- Economic Contribution: Golden 1 Center and Sacramento Kings operations collectively contributed an estimated $665 million in 2022-23 to the Greater Sacramento region. This economic boon is driven by arena operations, visitor spending, and induced economic activity.
- Job Creation: The arena supported 2,002 jobs, reflecting robust employment opportunities and the wide-reaching impact of Golden 1 Center on Greater Sacramento’s workforce.
- Visitor Spending: Beyond its role as a sports and entertainment hub, Golden 1 Center attracted visitors from across the region, injecting an estimated $42 million annually into the local economy through lodging, dining, retail, and transportation expenditures.
- Tax Revenues – Golden 1 Center significantly bolstered state and local tax revenues. Estimated city taxes stemming from arena operations, employee expenditures, and visitor spending totaled $2.6 million annually, while county, school, and other local district taxes, along with state taxes, amounted to $22 million per year.
“Golden 1 Center vividly illustrates the impact that pursuing ambitious economic development projects can have on a region. It stands as a testament to the transformative power of bold action,” said Barry Broome, President and CEO of GSEC. “It underscores a critical lesson for the region and beyond; that taking calculated risks and investing in large-scale development projects can spark a wave of economic growth, investment and community development that benefits the entire region.”
According to recently released data from the Downtown Sacramento Partnership, since the arena’s groundbreaking in 2016, there has been an estimated investment of over $7 billion in the central city, and the Entertainment District (in which Golden 1 Center is positioned) is outpacing the rest of the downtown core by over 16% growth in assessment value. Visitation to the Entertainment District has seen over 18% growth in the past year, which is more than double the rest of Downtown’s growth rate. And in 2023, the arena contributed to 46 businesses opening, reopening, or signing leases in downtown Sacramento.
“Golden 1 Center is the single most impactful investment in the downtown core in the last decade,” said Michael Ault, Executive Director, Downtown Sacramento Partnership. “It has been essential in our community’s efforts to diversify our regional economy as daytime, in-office visitation has decreased, and serves as a catalyst for nearby small businesses and a growing central social district. The arena and surrounding entertainment district has been transformative to Sacramento’s brand identity and has become one of the defining features of our city and the entire region.”
Golden 1 Center stands as a vital pillar in the downtown Sacramento landscape, not only as the home of the Sacramento Kings but also as a beam for cultural and entertainment activities. The report underscores the arena’s integral role in fostering community vibrancy and economic prosperity.
For more information, access the GSEC report और Downtown Sacramento Partnership report.
मीडिया पूछताछ के लिए, कृपया संपर्क करें:
Brittany Jones, bjones@greatersacramento.com
Madelyn Smith, msmith@downtownsac.org
ग्रेटर Sacramento आर्थिक परिषद के बारे में
ग्रेटर सैक्रामेंटो आर्थिक परिषद कैलिफोर्निया के राजधानी क्षेत्र में अभिनव विकास रणनीतियों के लिए उत्प्रेरक है। संगठन समुदाय के नेतृत्व वाली दिशा को बनाए रखने, आकर्षित करने के लिए नेतृत्व करता है, हो जाना और व्यापार योग्य क्षेत्रों को स्केल करना, उन्नत उद्योगों का विकास करना और छह-काउंटी क्षेत्र में रोजगार और निवेश पैदा करना। ग्रेटर सैक्रामेंटो स्थानीय और राज्य सरकारों, बाजार के नेताओं के बीच सहयोग का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, प्रभावित करने वाले और हितधारकों, समावेशी आर्थिक विकास को चलाने के एकमात्र मिशन के साथ। ग्रेटर सैक्रामेंटो क्षेत्र की स्थापना खोज पर की गई थी, जिस पर बनाया गया था नेतागण और नवाचार द्वारा ईंधन।
About Downtown Sacramento Partnership
Downtown Sacramento Partnership is a nonprofit, Property-based Improvement District (PBID) that serves as the collective voice for the downtown community located within the 66-block urban core of Sacramento. Driven by the mission to build value downtown, Downtown Partnership is the principal advocate, champion, and steward for those who work, live, visit and do business here. For more information, visit www.downtownsac.org + godowntownsac.com and connect with us on फेसबुक, चहचहाहट, Instagram और लिंक्चर्ड.
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