大萨克拉门托和海湾区议会发起 #CaliforniaJobsMatter 运动



萨克拉门托市长当选的斯坦伯格和海湾地区理事会首席执行官吉姆 Wunderman 合作, 以保住工作在加利福尼亚州

大萨克拉门托经济委员会和海湾地区理事会宣布启动北加利福尼亚湾地区巨型区域 #CaliforniaJobsMatter 战役。这项运动将通过发展和利用一个联合的公民、商业和政策平台, 促进海湾地区和首都地区融入单一的高性能经济体。

“The Northern California mega-region strategy will provide communities in the Greater Sacramento area access to opportunities in the most innovative market in the world, and vice versa,” Greater Sacramento Economic Council CEO Barry Broome said. “California is the world’s 5th largest economy and is the most innovative and profitable state for business – but we lack a placemaking strategy for communities that are without jobs.”

萨克拉门托地区是对其他经济体 (包括得克萨斯州、犹他州和科罗拉多州) 的竞争反应, 这些国家定期瞄准我们的关键产业。该地区有高的人才与30.8万积极注册的大学生在该地区谁是增加了已经有才华的劳动力。在萨克拉门托地区31.1% 的居民至少有4年的学位, 49.4% 的人在干场, 4 highest amount nationally.

将这些工作联系到大区将稳定国家经济, 创造就业机会, 并保持加州的教育和卫生系统的税收, 这也将有助于缓解高水平的青年失业, 减少经济邻里的窘迫, 并支持加州居民中产阶级就业。

#CaliforniaJobsMatter 的活动将集中在萨克拉门托地区、中央山谷和特大区域。萨克拉门托市长当选人斯坦伯格和湾区理事会首席执行官吉姆 Wunderman 将领导这次任务。

“This is a great opportunity for us to partner with the Bay Area region and create a corridor for businesses to come and thrive in the Sacramento region,” Sacramento Mayor-Elect Darrell Steinberg said. “Choose Sacramento over Texas, our region offers talent and resources that can help facilitate the Bay Area’s rapid growth in a more innovative and sustainable way.” Greater Sacramento will launch an office in Sunnyvale to further interconnect the Capital region with the Bay Area as one high-performing market, creating the Sac-Bay innovation corridor within the Northern California mega-region.

在海湾地区, 就业机会的强劲创造掩盖了国家失业率的不断增长。这种对单一经济市场的依赖, 对整个加利福尼亚的长期经济可持续性提出了质疑。稳健、多样的经济体依赖于先进和传统产业的混合。

“Our regions will come together and compete on a national stage to host some of the most innovative companies,” Bay Area Council President and CEO Jim Wunderman said. “Connecting these regions through the Capitol Corridor will help drop commute times to under an hour and further bolster this competitive advantage.” The Bay Area Council Economic Institute, the research arm of the Bay Area Council, in July released a report examining the emerging megaregion, including the need for stronger transportation and workforce development connections.

The Northern California Megaregion

北加利福尼亚巨型区域战略将连接社区例如萨克拉门托, 特雷西, 瓦卡维尔, 斯托克顿和其他到海湾地区区域。 大萨克拉门托将与海湾地区议会合作, 为加州的工作与州外竞争对手进行辩护。

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