Biotech company – MyFloraDNA – launches DNA profiling to identify and validate cannabis strains


Cannabis is a promising industry, and we are aware of the incredible growth of this market and the difficulties that come with it. Indeed, the key to success is the development of competitive advantages and knowledge in this field. To strengthen our plants, we have to highlight our uniqueness and stand out from the others around us.

The advances in genomic research have the ability to enhance cannabis production to meet the current needs of this emerging market. This has brought up the importance of validating the genetic identity of our plants.

Advanced genomic sciences let us identify and classify the different cultivars in our fields and nurseries. This technique is called DNA fingerprinting or DNA profiling. It involves determining many DNA sequences of the cannabis genome – called molecular markers – and using them to create a genetic map and generate a unique DNA profile for any organisms, plant species and/or cultivar.

This map – which MyFloraDNA calls Molecular ID – is unique to each strain and enables us to detect genetic variability unperceived by visual inspection.

Furthermore, MyFloraDNA is researching and developing new solutions around DNA by working closely with cannabis growers. “If we don’t speak and see what our clients are doing back in the field, the solutions we develop will not meet the needs of the community. We can learn and use many solutions from other crops, but you know, cannabis is different.” (Angel Fernandez, CEO and Co-Founder of MyFloraDNA.)

DNA profiling and MyFloraDNA’s application (Molecular ID) have many benefits:

  • Identification of a cannabis cultivar using its unique genetic code
  • Ability to understand the molecular structure of your plants’ genomes
  • Identification of plant species, varieties, clones, individuals and even plant products
  • Guarantee genetic quality and ownership
  • Check genetic stock
  • Identification of new cannabis cultivars and relation them with others
  • Ability to build each cultivar’s genealogic tree (evolutionary relationships)
  • Find novel genes associated with particular physical traits

MyFloraDNA combines DNA technology with high-throughput data management, using their Real Time Dashboard MyFloraCLOUD. This effective tool enables their clients to manage their data from tested samples. This app also uploads the Molecular ID information of the sequenced strain to the Blockchain (in case the client requires it) to protect the information as much as possible.

Every client receives a personalized link to share with clients, partners, friends and social media. Using this feature, clients and partners can require a validation service from MyFloraDNA to check if the plants obtained from their providers are the same strain as the Molecular ID.

Indeed, Molecular ID enables companies to certify their cultivars’ genetics with a unique ID code. This patent pending and revolutionary service aims to help breeders, tissue culture labs, nurseries and cultivators validate their genetic material. This also enhances the value delivered to cannabis consumers, especially medicinal users.

This service can verify the ownership over a specific Molecular ID and allows our clients to consolidate their genetic library stock and improve their quality of growth and clones.

Molecular ID can help identify new cultivars, clones and plant products, preserve them for commercial applications, identify genes associated with morphological and biochemical  traits and enable plant classification.

It is the answer to acquiring confidence in what we sell and consume. So, we are positive that doing a proper genetic review of cannabis would contribute to conscious knowledge in our industry and improve the quality of our final products.

Check out more about MyFloraDNA discoveries and solutions by registering on MyFloraCLOUD or clicking here.

If you are looking forward to learning more about cannabis, do not miss an episode of their podcast Under the CannaScope. Also check out their LinkedIn newsletter to keep cultivating your learning around this plant.

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