이사회 스포트라이트
Sabya Das (VideoVerse)
Sabya Das is President and COO of VideoVerse and a member of GSEC’s Board of Directors. Learn more about why he values economic development, working with GSEC and living and working in the Greater Sacramento region in the Q&A below.
지역 리더로서 경제 발전이 중요한 이유는 무엇인가요?
For me, economic development is crucial because it fuels growth and sustainability in our communities. It creates jobs, stimulates innovation, and enhances the overall quality of life for everyone in the region. By attracting top talent, fostering entrepreneurship, and driving technological advancements, economic development becomes an investment in a thriving future for both businesses and communities. Additionally, it helps shift the negative perception of Sacramento, positioning it as a vibrant and forward thinking city.
GSEC의 일원이 된 것에 대해 가장 흥분되는 점은 무엇인가요?
Being part of GSEC excites me because of the opportunity to collaborate with leaders who are dedicated to shaping the region’s long-term impact and future. It provides a platform to influence strategic initiatives that drive economic growth and innovation. I’m inspired by the collective vision of positioning Sacramento as a hub for technology and creativity.
그레이터 새크라멘토 지역에서 생활하고 비즈니스를 하는 데 있어 가장 마음에 드는 점은 무엇인가요?
Having grown up here, I’ve always felt that the Greater Sacramento region offers a unique combination of quality of life and business opportunities. The diverse talent pool and strong sense of community make it an ideal place for growing VideoVerse. Additionally, the proximity to both urban centers and natural landscapes offers a balanced lifestyle that’s perfect for raising a family while enjoying a high standard of living.
자세히 알아보기

관련 기사
Henry Li (Sacramento Regional Transit)
Henry Li is General Manager and CEO of the Sacramento Regional Transit and a member of GSEC’s Competitiveness Council. Learn more about why he values economic development, working with GSEC and living and working in the Greater Sacramento region in the Q&A below.
스타트업 엘도라도 카운티
새크라멘토 미드타운의 상징적인 아이스 블록으로 확장된 롬버스
마름모클라우드 관리형 물리적 보안의 선두주자 인 , 새크라멘토 미드타운 중심부의 1610 R 스트리트에서 확장된 사무실 공간으로 이전하게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다. 새로운 투자와 파트너십에 힘입어 팀을 확장하여 현재 175명 이상의 직원을 고용하고 있습니다.