प्रकाशनार्थ विज्ञप्ति
Go360 launches subscription-based Tesla rideshare service in Sacramento
संपर्क: एलिजाबेथ जोन्स
(916) 287-9072
The startup offers users a more affordable and environmentally-friendly way to travel
Sacramento, Calif. – March 6, 2020—Go360, a subscription service poised to disrupt the on-demand ride-hailing industry, is opening up its service to deliver a more convenient, affordable and environmentally friendly way to travel to work and local transit hubs. Aimed at serving users in dense, urban areas, Go360 uses Tesla’s (all electric vehicles) in a first-and last-mile pooled model to provide consumers a better and faster way to travel. Rides average $2.50 a time (up to four rides a day) with a monthly subscription. The all-employee drivers are always close by so the customer wait time is a maximum of 5 minutes. The startup is part of the premier accelerator UC Berkeley SkyDeck.
“Go360 is the future of on-demand transportation. We are committed to work with the power of public transit – creating a fully multimodal solution that gets people from home to transit hubs and back, so they can be the most efficient with their time,” said Sravan Puttagunta, Go360 CEO. “First and last-mile pooling provides high-quality, affordable, and a green transportation option to riders. By keeping vehicles in a certain geographic area, Go360 optimizes for filling cars, picking up and dropping off multiple passengers along dynamically-computed routes without incurring overhead. Our technology improves overall travel times while keeping costs affordable.”
For improved pooling efficiency, Go360 “blacklists” high traffic corridors, highways and onramps, allowing the routing algorithm to leverage the free flow of inner city roads. This also increases the accuracy of the estimated trip times. It uses its Vision APIs to analyze camera data to generate information about traffic, curb management, pick up and drop off, to further increase the efficiency of its service. Long term, this infrastructure can be leveraged to power self-driving cars to operate in the same areas.
“Sacramento is the perfect launching point for new mobility companies,” said Barry Broome, President and CEO of the Greater Sacramento Economic Council. “Innovators like Anuj and Sravan are coming to the Greater Sacramento region because of the fantastic business climate, the wealth of talent and the California Mobility Center which will be the most impactful mobility initiative in the U.S.”
“Sacramento has invested more in economic development than any other community of its size in the country and that leads to forward-thinking talent choosing our region,” Broome continued. “Mayor Darrell Steinberg is helping to make Sacramento the next innovation hub for new mobility ideas and we are excited for Go 360 to be part of the tech growth in our region.”
While other on-demand ride services focus on oversupplying the market with drivers, Go360 is investing in the quality of the drivers, premium cars and providing more predictable rides. Go360 drivers are company employees – paid by the hour, not by the mile, and with no service fees. They also receive company benefits so they comply with the new California AB5 regulations.
As the company grows, it plans to scale its presence to connect cities together in a better, more efficient way. “Since we are starting in the Sacramento area, Go360 wants to make life easier for super commuters like the 80,000 people who travel the 70 miles from Sacramento to the Bay Area every day. Our pooled rides feed people to rapid transit street cars and subway. This improves the efficiency of all existing transportation systems, reduces traffic and helps the environment,” said Puttagunta.
Go360 has been serving alpha riders (employees, family and friends) in a limited area in Sacramento since November, 2019, and will now be offering the ride-hailing service to the community. The company has plans to expand to other Northern California cities: Davis, Berkeley, Emeryville and Oakland and eventually will roll out to other metro areas. Currently, Go360 has released a Rider and Driver app that allows its riders to use the service.
As one current user shared, “Go360 is the secret no one told me about. I use it every day to get to work and love their cars, professional drivers and reliability.”
ग्रेटर Sacramento आर्थिक परिषद के बारे में
ग्रेटर सैक्रामेंटो आर्थिक परिषद कैलिफोर्निया के राजधानी क्षेत्र में अभिनव विकास रणनीतियों के लिए उत्प्रेरक है। संगठन व्यापार योग्य क्षेत्रों को बनाए रखने, आकर्षित करने, विकसित करने और स्केल करने, उन्नत उद्योगों को विकसित करने और छह-काउंटी क्षेत्र में रोजगार और निवेश पैदा करने के लिए समुदाय के नेतृत्व वाली दिशा का नेतृत्व करता है। ग्रेटर सैक्रामेंटो समावेशी आर्थिक विकास को चलाने के एकमात्र मिशन के साथ स्थानीय और राज्य सरकारों, बाजार के नेताओं, प्रभावितों और हितधारकों के बीच सहयोग का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। ग्रेटर सैक्रामेंटो क्षेत्र की स्थापना खोज पर की गई थी, जो नेतृत्व पर निर्मित और नवाचार द्वारा ईंधन थी।
About Go360
Go360 is creating a new paradigm in transportation by offering a comfortable, reliable on-demand ride hailing service in all-electric, luxury pooled vehicles. The company operates within defined city areas and provides dynamic pooling on the routes where they operate, which means the maximum pickup time is 5 minutes and the trip time is about 15 minutes. This approach reduces ride cost and trip time dramatically. Go360 is investing in human capital, sustainability, and social and environmental needs. For more information about Go360, visit https://www.go360.io.
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