Sabya Das (VideoVerse)

Greater Sacramento

Sabya Das​ is President and COO of VideoVerse and a member of GSEC’s Board of Directors. Learn more about why he values economic development, working with GSEC and living and working in the Greater Sacramento region in the Q&A below.

Warum ist die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung für Sie als regionale Führungskraft so wichtig?

For me, economic development is crucial because it fuels growth and sustainability in our communities. It creates jobs, stimulates innovation, and enhances the overall quality of life for everyone in the region. By attracting top talent, fostering entrepreneurship, and driving technological advancements, economic development becomes an investment in a thriving future for both businesses and communities. Additionally, it helps shift the negative perception of Sacramento, positioning it as a vibrant and forward thinking city.


Was reizt Sie am meisten daran, Teil des GSEC zu sein?

Being part of GSEC excites me because of the opportunity to collaborate with leaders who are dedicated to shaping the region’s long-term impact and future. It provides a platform to influence strategic initiatives that drive economic growth and innovation. I’m inspired by the collective vision of positioning Sacramento as a hub for technology and creativity.


Was gefällt Ihnen am meisten daran, im Großraum Sacramento zu leben und Geschäfte zu machen?

Having grown up here, I’ve always felt that the Greater Sacramento region offers a unique combination of quality of life and business opportunities. The diverse talent pool and strong sense of community make it an ideal place for growing VideoVerse. Additionally, the proximity to both urban centers and natural landscapes offers a balanced lifestyle that’s perfect for raising a family while enjoying a high standard of living.

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Henry Li (Sacramento Regional Transit)

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